Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Forever Single Lady

This is how we're supposed to learn social skills as adults, right? :)

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel comics page titled "Forever Single Lady." Panel 1, cartoon girl with a bun "realizes late that she is bad at reading social cues." In panel 2, she is huddled in a blanket in front of a laptop screen, with an expression of extreme concentration. Arrow points at her: "Watches K-dramas with new intensity." Speech bubbles read, "I must learn...this sorcery." In panel 3, she is drawn in side view, still huddled in front of a laptop, now with an elephant in the frame, observing the scene directly behind her. Caption reads, "An education." Comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
3-panel comics page titled "Forever Single Lady." Panel 1, cartoon girl with a bun "realizes late that she is bad at reading social cues." In panel 2, she is huddled in a blanket in front of a laptop screen, with an expression of extreme concentration. Arrow points at her: "Watches K-dramas with new intensity." Speech bubbles read, "I must learn...this sorcery." In panel 3, she is drawn in side view, still huddled in front of a laptop, now with an elephant in the frame, observing the scene directly behind her. Caption reads, "An education." Comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.


anna in spain said...

Except that the social cues and norms differ enormously from Korea to the US. Unless you move to a Korean neighbourhood you'll still be lost.

Bookworm said...

Wow, Anna, thanks for that -- something I had never consciously thought about. Such an "aha" moment for me!