Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Society To Artists (Creative Notes #65)

There's always a rub! Ay, but we go on :')

Episode 65 from Creative Notes. New comics every week on tinyview.com/connie

As always, thanks for reading. 

[In panel 1, Connie's cartoon character is dressed in Shakespearean costume, theatrically holding up a skull. She proclaims, "Life is short! Just do what you love!" "Nothing else matters!!" she continues, in panel 2. In panel 3, text reads "Society to Artist," followed by a disembodied voice that reminds the artist, "You'll also need money to live." In panel 4, the artist walks off the panel, holding the skull under her arm, with a familiar look of resignation: "Rats. I knew I forgot something." Episode 65 of Creative Notes, an original webcomic series by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022, for Tinyview comics.]

In panel 1, Connie's cartoon character is dressed in Shakespearean costume, theatrically holding up a skull. She proclaims, "Life is short! Just do what you love!" "Nothing else matters!!" she continues, in panel 2. In panel 3, text reads "Society to Artist," followed by a disembodied voice that reminds the artist, "You'll also need money to live." In panel 4, the artist walks off the panel, holding the skull under her arm, with a familiar look of resignation: "Rats. I knew I forgot something." Episode 65 of Creative Notes, an original webcomic series by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022, for Tinyview comics.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Every Moment Loved

Sharing a new sketchbook drawing. It has been a difficult week to draw comics. I only managed this one for Tinyview: https://tinyview.com/connie/2022/05/26/episode-67-okay-to-cry

Wherever you are, whatever is happening in your life, I hope you feel loved in the universe.  

[Single-panel cartoon illustration of a girl with a braid hugging a seated baby elephant. Handwritten caption reads, "No matter what. May you feel loved. Every moment you are here." Image references recent tragedies and a wish for comfort in turbulent times. Original drawing by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
Single-panel cartoon illustration of a girl with a braid hugging a seated baby elephant. Handwritten caption reads, "No matter what. May you feel loved. Every moment you are here." Image references recent tragedies and a wish for comfort in turbulent times. Original drawing by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.
Cartoon illustration of a girl with a bun, grieving with gray-blue clouds above her, crying rain tears from sad faces. Text reads: It's okay to cry. Sometimes we need to." Excerpt from episode 67 of webcomic strip series Creative Notes by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022, for Tinyview Comics. This cartoon references recent school shootings in America.

Friday, May 20, 2022

My Closest Coworkers (Creative Notes #63)

My creative process is learning to work with what I got, insecurities and all.  

Batch of new comics up on my Tinyview page tinyview.com/connie  

You can read an excerpt on IG today if you're not on the app https://www.instagram.com/p/CdwOo6HOjAn/

Girl with a beret and brush, painting at an easel, surrounded by the serpents. Cartoon illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022. Excerpt from webcomic series Creative Notes #62 titled “My Closest Coworkers” for tinyview.com/connie

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Tears of Pollen

My allergy season has come! Grass and weed are what get me :')

[Two-panel borderless comic strip of a girl with a braid, sitting in a park, flowers blooming. In large caps, the heading reads "Spring has come." In panel 1, the girl sniffs and an elephant asks, "Tears of joy?" Panel 2 zooms in on her face and red, watery eyes, as the girl responds, "No, mixed feelings of spring -- tears of pollen." Webcomic by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

Two-panel borderless comic strip of a girl with a braid, sitting in a park, flowers blooming. In large caps, the heading reads "Spring has come." In panel 1, the girl sniffs and an elephant asks, "Tears of joy?" Panel 2 zooms in on her face and red, watery eyes, as the girl responds, "No, mixed feelings of spring -- tears of pollen." Webcomic by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

A Social Contract

Our social lives are so weird now. 

[Single panel comic about "Adding someone you sort of know on social media." Cartoon illustration of a girl with a braid typing into her phone. Messaging word bubble text reads "hellooo! I would like to stalk you a little, " while the reply reads "yes that's fine". She taps an icon, indicating "add friend." This is, in bold text, "A Social Contract!" Webcomic by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
Single panel comic about "Adding someone you sort of know on social media." Cartoon illustration of a girl with a braid typing into her phone. Messaging word bubble text reads "hellooo! I would like to stalk you a little, " while the reply reads "yes that's fine". She taps an icon, indicating "add friend." This is, in bold text, "A Social Contract!" Webcomic by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Single Girl, Honest Friends

I love my life and my friends, and this is also a true story.

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel comic strip about being a forever-single woman with honest friends. In panel 1, a girl with a braid says directly to the reader, "We can't always have what we want in life, but I still hold on to the hope that - somebody, somewhere will love me someday." In panel 2, the girl looks off-frame and the background color changes from a muted purple to a warm coral, while a speech bubble indicates that friends are speaking to her: "Yes, but have you frozen your eggs?" They continue in panel 3, saying "Knowing you, it might take a while." The background color changes back to a muted color, while the girl shares a comical look of pained resignation with the viewer. Comic is titled, "Single Girl, Honest Friends," by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
3-panel comic strip about being a forever-single woman with honest friends. In panel 1, a girl with a braid says directly to the reader, "We can't always have what we want in life, but I still hold on to the hope that - somebody, somewhere will love me someday." In panel 2, the girl looks off-frame and the background color changes from a muted purple to a warm coral, while a speech bubble indicates that friends are speaking to her: "Yes, but have you frozen your eggs?" They continue in panel 3, saying "Knowing you, it might take a while." The background color changes back to a muted color, while the girl shares a comical look of pained resignation with the viewer. Comic is titled, "Single Girl, Honest Friends," by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Life Suggestion Box

Does life EVER get any easier?? I have suggestions :)

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[Two-panel borderless comic of a girl with a braid, pen in hand, about to write something. Looking at the reader, she asks "Is it just me - or does everything feel unreasonably hard these days?" Panel 2 zooms out and we see her scribbling something down at a standing table with a sign that reads "LIFE SUGGESTION BOX." The text of what she is writing is magnified in panel 2 as a torn piece of paper and reads, "Share your feedback!" In handwriting, it says "Could you ease up a bit? I think you've made your point." Sketchbook comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

Two-panel borderless comic of a girl with a braid, pen in hand, about to write something. Looking at the reader, she asks "Is it just me - or does everything feel unreasonably hard these days?" Panel 2 zooms out and we see her scribbling something down at a standing table with a sign that reads "LIFE SUGGESTION BOX." The text of what she is writing is magnified in panel 2 as a torn piece of paper and reads, "Share your feedback!" In handwriting, it says "Could you ease up a bit? I think you've made your point." Sketchbook comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Brain Disagrees

My brain can be very loud and disagreeable just when I need it to be quiet and still. Is this the crux of all our attempts to live in peace? :)

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[Two-panel borderless cartoon of a girl with a braid sitting on a yoga mat, trying to meditate. Heading text reads: "A lot of my day is spent convincing my brain that -" and in a thought bubble, "Everything will be okay, I think." In panel 2, a large pink brain imposes on the peaceful scene and declares in all caps, "WELL, I DISAGREE!" Comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
Two-panel borderless cartoon of a girl with a braid sitting on a yoga mat, trying to meditate. Heading text reads: "A lot of my day is spent convincing my brain that -" and in a thought bubble, "Everything will be okay, I think." In panel 2, a large pink brain imposes on the peaceful scene and declares in all caps, "WELL, I DISAGREE!" Comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Sunday, May 08, 2022

The Love We Need

May we all find what we need eventually, even if it's in pieces.

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[1-page borderless comic of a sad red heart that is broken apart into pieces, each with its own sad face. In the second to the last image, the heart is drawn stitched together with visible scars. In the final image, a girl with a braid is hugging the now bandaged heart. Text reads: "The love we get is not always the love we need, but hopefully, we all get enough of what we need - eventually - in whatever shape it comes. Cartoon illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
1-page borderless comic of a sad red heart that is broken apart into pieces, each with its own sad face. In the second to the last image, the heart is drawn stitched together with visible scars. In the final image, a girl with a braid is hugging the now bandaged heart. Text reads: "The love we get is not always the love we need, but hopefully, we all get enough of what we need - eventually - in whatever shape it comes. Cartoon illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Friday, May 06, 2022

Low Bar Pep Talks

It was a hard week. Hope the weekend is better and that your brain gives better pep talks!

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[Two-panel borderless comic of a girl with a bun, looking into a mirror, giving herself a pep talk. In colorful speech bubbles, she says, "You're not a total basket case. Society doesn't hate you. Your friends aren't all secretly mad at you. You're probably not the worst person in the world." In panel 2, an elephant enters the frame and, after a beat, observes, "That's a pretty low bar for pep talks." The girl and her reflection turn toward the elephant and says in explanation, "It was a hard week." Comic strip titled "Low Bar Pep Talks," by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.] 
Two-panel borderless comic of a girl with a bun, looking into a mirror, giving herself a pep talk. In colorful speech bubbles, she says, "You're not a total basket case. Society doesn't hate you. Your friends aren't all secretly mad at you. You're probably not the worst person in the world." In panel 2, an elephant enters the frame and, after a beat, observes, "That's a pretty low bar for pep talks." The girl and her reflection turn toward the elephant and says in explanation, "It was a hard week." Comic strip titled "Low Bar Pep Talks," by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Deep Focus (Creative Notes #58)

This is episode 58 from my biweekly comic strip, "Creative Notes."

Thanks for checking it out! https://tinyview.com/connie

[5-panel comic strip of an artist at work. In panel 1, daytime, girl with a bun gets up from her desk and announces, "I need some music to focus." In panel 2, she has large headphones on, with musical notes playing, and says "Ooh I love this song!" In panel 3, she takes a "dance break." In panel 4, she does a "karaoke sing-along." In panel 5, she looks out the window at a nighttime cityscape with a crescent moon overhead and says "oosie." Caption reads, "Moment of Reckoning." Cartoon titled "Deep Focus" which is episode 58 from "Creative Notes," a webcomic series by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022, for Tinyview comics.]
5-panel comic strip of an artist at work. In panel 1, daytime, girl with a bun gets up from her desk and announces, "I need some music to focus." In panel 2, she has large headphones on, with musical notes playing, and says "Ooh I love this song!" In panel 3, she takes a "dance break." In panel 4, she does a "karaoke sing-along." In panel 5, she looks out the window at a nighttime cityscape with a crescent moon overhead and says "oosie." Caption reads, "Moment of Reckoning." Cartoon titled "Deep Focus" which is episode 58 from "Creative Notes," a webcomic series by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022, for Tinyview comics.

Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Nature's Pain Reliever

Dark chocolate and exercise are supposed to help too. Pulling out all the stops. Still recovering. 

Take good care of yourselves. Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[Illustrated sketchbook page about how crying has pain relieving properties. Image 1 is a cartoon of a girl with a braid, holding a child-like heart in her arms. Caption reads, "I got into a bad argument the other day that was very painful and unresolvable. It caught me off guard." Image 2, she holds the heart tighter and has a look of comical concentration. Caption reads, "I heard that crying can have pain relieving properties though." Arrow indicates that she is "trying to cry." Image 3 is a close up of a large cartoon eye, welling up. An arrow indicates, "a single tear." Cartoon titled "Nature's Pain Reliever," by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

Illustrated sketchbook page about how crying has pain relieving properties. Image 1 is a cartoon of a girl with a braid, holding a child-like heart in her arms. Caption reads, "I got into a bad argument the other day that was very painful and unresolvable. It caught me off guard." Image 2, she holds the heart tighter and has a look of comical concentration. Caption reads, "I heard that crying can have pain relieving properties though." Arrow indicates that she is "trying to cry." Image 3 is a close up of a large cartoon eye, welling up. An arrow indicates, "a single tear." Cartoon titled "Nature's Pain Reliever," by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.