Friday, May 06, 2022

Low Bar Pep Talks

It was a hard week. Hope the weekend is better and that your brain gives better pep talks!

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[Two-panel borderless comic of a girl with a bun, looking into a mirror, giving herself a pep talk. In colorful speech bubbles, she says, "You're not a total basket case. Society doesn't hate you. Your friends aren't all secretly mad at you. You're probably not the worst person in the world." In panel 2, an elephant enters the frame and, after a beat, observes, "That's a pretty low bar for pep talks." The girl and her reflection turn toward the elephant and says in explanation, "It was a hard week." Comic strip titled "Low Bar Pep Talks," by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.] 
Two-panel borderless comic of a girl with a bun, looking into a mirror, giving herself a pep talk. In colorful speech bubbles, she says, "You're not a total basket case. Society doesn't hate you. Your friends aren't all secretly mad at you. You're probably not the worst person in the world." In panel 2, an elephant enters the frame and, after a beat, observes, "That's a pretty low bar for pep talks." The girl and her reflection turn toward the elephant and says in explanation, "It was a hard week." Comic strip titled "Low Bar Pep Talks," by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

1 comment:

anna in spain said...

It may be a low bar, but I can certainly relate! Over thinking is the curse of our times. Instant communication can lead to anxiety if someone doesn't respond in a day or two. I always tell myself "You don't know what's going on at their place." That helps somewhat.