Thursday, December 29, 2022

Emotional Maturity: An End-of-Year Review

I know another year has passed, but I can't account for all the specifics. Maybe the full review can wait until next year :)

Grateful to you for reading my little cartoons. Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel comic strip about reflecting on progress at end of a year. In panel 1, a cartoon girl with a bun sits at a desk, looking at an oversized cartoon heart character that is leaning against a stack of books. A clock on the wall reads 11 o'clock. In panel 2, the girl asks, "So what did we learn this year? Anything?" Panel 3 zooms in on the heart, looking weary. After a beat, it says, "Can this conversation wait 'til after New Years?" Comic titled "Emotional Maturity: An End-of-Year Review" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
3-panel comic strip about reflecting on progress at end of a year. In panel 1, a cartoon girl with a bun sits at a desk, looking at an oversized cartoon heart character that is leaning against a stack of books. A clock on the wall reads 11 o'clock. In panel 2, the girl asks, "So what did we learn this year? Anything?" Panel 3 zooms in on the heart, looking weary. After a beat, it says, "Can this conversation wait 'til after new years?" Comic titled "Emotional Maturity: An End-of-Year Review" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Heart Trust Issues

We all got 'em ;)

Hope you are being extra generous with yourselves this season. Thanks for reading and encouraging me to keep writing and cartooning. Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a bun talking to a cartoon heart character, drawn with facial features and legs. In panel 1, the heart is slumped against an interior wall, bandaged and a bit bruised. The girl tries to reassure the heart: "I know it hurts now, but - you'll be okay. Trust me." In panel 2, a silent beat, while the heart thinks this over. In panel 3, the heart looks up distrustfully and demands more information: "Define 'okay.'" Cartoon titled "Heart Trust Issues" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
3-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a bun talking to a cartoon heart character, drawn with facial features and legs. In panel 1, the heart is slumped against an interior wall, bandaged and a bit bruised. The girl tries to reassure the heart: "I know it hurts now, but - you'll be okay. Trust me." In panel 2, a silent beat, while the heart thinks this over. In panel 3, the heart looks up distrustfully and demands more information: "Define 'okay.'" Cartoon titled "Heart Trust Issues" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Ready For My Weekend (Redraw)

I redrew this comic today to declare my love of kombucha. Cheers!

[2-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a braid, looked harried and holding a gigantic, filled wine glass, almost as tall as she is. In panel 1, she says "I'm ready for my weekend now." In panel 2, an elephant enters the frame and notes, "You don't drink." She responds, deadpan: "It's kombucha." New version of an older 2021 illustration by the same artist in 2022. By Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, all rights reserved.]
2-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a braid, looked harried and holding a gigantic, filled wine glass, almost as tall as she is. In panel 1, she says "I'm ready for my weekend now." In panel 2, an elephant enters the frame and notes, "You don't drink." She responds, deadpan: "It's kombucha." New version of an older 2021 illustration by the same artist in 2022. By Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, all rights reserved.

Break Even Diet

It's a break even type of year. Emotional eating and dieting at the same time is basically how I was raised to live life. 

Thanks for reading the comics. Connie on Ko-fi

[2-panel comic strip about emotional eating and emotional dieting at the same time. In panel 1, a cartoon girl with a braid is doing leg raises on a yoga mat while eating a sandwich. An elephant looks on and asks, "Are you exercising...and eating your emotions at the same time?" In panel 2, she lifts her sandwich in the air like a dumbbell and says, "Yeah, my goal this year is just to break even." Elephant turns to walk away and responds, "Seems reasonable." Cartoon titled "Break Even Diet" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

2-panel comic strip about emotional eating and emotional dieting at the same time. In panel 1, a cartoon girl with a braid is doing leg raises on a yoga mat while eating a sandwich. An elephant looks on and asks, "Are you exercising...and eating your emotions at the same time?" In panel 2, she lifts her sandwich in the air like a dumbbell and says, "Yeah, my goal this year is just to break even." Elephant turns to walk away and responds, "Seems reasonable." Cartoon titled "Break Even Diet" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Pro Introverting

Amateur food pics, but pro at introverting.

Thanks for continuing to read my comics. It helps with morale on the down days. Connie on Ko-fi

[4-panel borderless comic about contemporary introverting. Image 1: Cartoon girl with a bun holds a smart phone high over her head with conviction, while text reads, "Phone is never not on silent!" Image 2: She levitates the phone, both hands raised and text reads, "All notifications are disabled!" Image 3: Caption reads, "BEHOLD! The professional introvert!" as she flexes and says, "Shhh, quiet." The last panel zooms out and the girl is talking a photo of her lunch, as an elephant looks on and asks, "What do you even use your phone for?" She responds, "I like taking pictures of my food." Cartoon titled "Pro Introverting" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

4-panel borderless comic about contemporary introverting. Image 1: Cartoon girl with a bun holds a smart phone high over her head with conviction, while text reads, "Phone is never not on silent!" Image 2: She levitates the phone, both hands raised and text reads, "All notifications are disabled!" Image 3: Caption reads, "BEHOLD! The professional introvert!" as she flexes and says, "Shhh, quiet." The last panel zooms out and the girl is talking a photo of her lunch, as an elephant looks on and asks, "What do you even use your phone for?" She responds, "I like taking pictures of my food." Cartoon titled "Pro Introverting" by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Thursday, December 08, 2022

Things Dogs Can Say To Strangers, But People Can't

In this regard, dogs have us beat :)

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[4-panel comic strip about how dogs can express things that people can't. Panel 1: Cartoon girl with a bun walks by a bearded man on a crowded sidewalk and says, "Hi. Do you want to cuddle for a minute?" Panel 2: Girl sits next to a dude in a beanie looking down at his phone and says, "You seem cool, can I lick your face?" Panel 3: Girl politely sniffs a man on an escalator and notes, "Mm - I like your pheromones." Panel 4: Girl, desperate for some attention, barks into a crowd of people, "CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE PET ME?!" Cartoon titled "Things Dogs Can Say To Strangers, But People Can't." By Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

4-panel comic strip about how dogs can express things that people can't. Panel 1: Cartoon girl with a bun walks by a bearded man on a crowded sidewalk and says, "Hi. Do you want to cuddle for a minute?" Panel 2: Girl sits next to a dude in a beanie looking down at his phone and says, "You seem cool, can I lick your face?" Panel 3: Girl politely sniffs a man on an escalator and notes, "Mm - I like your pheromones." Panel 4: Girl, desperate for some attention, barks into a crowd of people, "CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE PET ME?!" Cartoon titled "Things Dogs Can Say To Strangers, But People Can't." By Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Lonely and Happy

Note to self: You don't have to one or the other. 

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[Single-panel comic illustration of a cartoon girl with a bun in the woods. The scene is quiet and calm and the girl is drawing an elephant on the ground with a branch. Caption reads, "'Lonely' and 'happy' aren't mutually exclusive." Drawing by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
Single-panel comic illustration of a cartoon girl with a bun in the woods. The scene is quiet and calm and the girl is drawing an elephant on the ground with a branch. Caption reads, "'Lonely' and 'happy' aren't mutually exclusive." Drawing by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Thursday, December 01, 2022

Life On Earth

It's okay to be sad sometimes. May you always feel loved.

Thanks so much for reading and following. I'm making slow and steady progress.

[2-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, standing next to an elephant on a beach. In panel 1, they are looking off-shore with their backs facing the reader. Elephant asks, "What's wrong?" and the girl replies, "Nothing. Bit sad, but not in a bad way..." In panel 2, they turn toward each other and the girl finishes her thought: "Just in the normal, life-on-earth way." Heading reads, "Life On Earth." Comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

2-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, standing next to an elephant on a beach. In panel 1, they are looking off-shore with their backs facing the reader. Elephant asks, "What's wrong?" and the girl replies, "Nothing. Bit sad, but not in a bad way..." In panel 2, they turn toward each other and the girl finishes her thought: "Just in the normal, life-on-earth way." Heading reads, "Life On Earth." Comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.