Sunday, July 31, 2022

Work Hard, Nap Harder

I work hard, I nap hard. A useful skill in life. ^_^

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[5-panel borderless comic strip of a cartoon girl with a bun, working at her desk. Panel 1: seated with a blank page and a mug, ready to start. Panel 2: slightly hunched with a look of concentration, more sheets of paper, a mug and an empty bowl. Panel 3: more dishes, stacks of paper, girl is fully hunched over her desk with disheveled hair and bulging eyes. Text reads, "Work. Work...WORK!!!" In panel 4, an elephant enters the frame and text reads, "Play?" Panel 5: Elephant is seated and the girl rests against the elephant with tired exhaustion, while the caption reads, "Nap." Comic strip titled "Work Hard, Nap Harder," by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

5-panel borderless comic strip of a cartoon girl with a bun, working at her desk. Panel 1: seated with a blank page and a mug, ready to start. Panel 2: slightly hunched with a look of concentration, more sheets of paper, a mug and an empty bowl. Panel 3: more dishes, stacks of paper, girl is fully hunched over her desk with disheveled hair and bulging eyes. Text reads, "Work. Work...WORK!!!" In panel 4, an elephant enters the frame and text reads, "Play?" Panel 5: Elephant is seated and the girl rests against the elephant with tired exhaustion, while the caption reads, "Nap." Comic strip titled "Work Hard, Nap Harder," by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Hope in Modern Times

I am full of hope in these modern times, lol. Sorry for the lack of new posts this week. I'm deep in writing. 

From my sketchbook, this is a classic NYC tableau that I see more and more these days. 

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel autobio comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, wearing a mask, and waiting for a train on a New York City subway platform. In panel 1, she is standing while a balding middle-aged man in vest and slacks, urinates in public at the end of the platform in Times Square at rush hour. A younger man with a cap, backpack, skateboard, looking at his phone, queues up behind him. In panel 2, balding man walks up and it's skater boy's turn. Panel 3 shows the scene a beat later, all three subway riders still in the frame. Caption reads, "When I start to lose hope, / I look all around me and / - pretend I live somewhere else." Cartoon titled "Hope in Modern Times, " by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
3-panel autobio comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, wearing a mask, and waiting for a train on a New York City subway platform. In panel 1, she is standing while a balding middle-aged man in vest and slacks, urinates in public at the end of the platform in Times Square at rush hour. A younger man with a cap, backpack, skateboard, looking at his phone, queues up behind him. In panel 2, balding man walks up and it's skater boy's turn. Panel 3 shows the scene a beat later, all three subway riders still in the frame. Caption reads, "When I start to lose hope, / I look all around me and / - pretend I live somewhere else." Cartoon titled "Hope in Modern Times, " by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Heat Wave Ice Fantasy

Dreaming about giant blocks of ice in this heat wave. Hope everyone is staying cool and hydrated.

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[Single-panel wordless comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, at home, hugging a giant block of ice, in a heatwave. Outside the window, the sun is on full blast and the city is a mirage. Illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

Single-panel wordless comic of a cartoon girl with a bun, at home, hugging a giant block of ice, in a heatwave. Outside the window, the sun is on full blast and the city is a mirage. Illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Healing Pep Talks

Healing isn't linear, but pep talks are free.

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a braid, wearing a t-shirt with W.I.P. on it. Panel 1: She is looking into a mirror with a flat expression. Caption reads, "Healing isn't linear." Panel 2: She is at her desk with a post-it pad, pen, and tea mug, putting a bright post-it note on her head. Panel 3: Hands, folded in front of her, she patiently waits. Caption reads, "But pep talks are free." The post-it note on her forehead says, "You'll get there." (WIP = work in progress) Webcomic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
3-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a braid, wearing a t-shirt with W.I.P. on it. Panel 1: She is looking into a mirror with a flat expression. Caption reads, "Healing isn't linear." Panel 2: She is at her desk with a post-it pad, pen, and tea mug, putting a bright post-it note on her head. Panel 3: Hands, folded in front of her, she patiently waits. Caption reads, "But pep talks are free." The post-it note on her forehead says, "You'll get there." (WIP = work in progress) Webcomic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Me, at the Movies

Maybe this is why we go to the movies, etc. What are you watching and reading these days? Or excited to see?

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[2-panel webcomic of a cartoon girl on a couch, cradling her heart like a child and saying, "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe from harm." The heading says, "Me, in real life." In contrast, the heading of the next scene reads, "Me, at the movies." The second panel is a drawing of the girl in a dramatic fantasy-action scene, hurling the heart directly into the mouth of a giant, menacing, fire-breathing dragon, with all her might. She yells out, "Take my money! Break my heart!! Make me FEEL SOMETHING!" Comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

2-panel webcomic of a cartoon girl on a couch, cradling her heart like a child and saying, "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe from harm." The heading says, "Me, in real life." In contrast, the heading of the next scene reads, "Me, at the movies." The second panel is a drawing of the girl in a dramatic fantasy-action scene, hurling the heart directly into the mouth of a giant, menacing, fire-breathing dragon, with all her might. She yells out, "Take my money! Break my heart!! Make me FEEL SOMETHING!" Comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Be the Light

Be the "light" you want to see in the world. Every little bit counts, hahahah ;)

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[Short black and white comic strip with the hand-drawn accented heading "Be the LIGHT you want to see in the world," followed by a panel painted in entirely in inky black, except for two bulging white cartoon eyes and the sound of a "click." The last panel shows a stage-lit cartoon girl with a braid, holding a flashlight under her face, looking spooky. A single speech bubble says, "Boo." Webcomic by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
Short black and white comic strip with the hand-drawn accented heading "Be the LIGHT you want to see in the world," followed by a panel painted in entirely in inky black, except for two bulging white cartoon eyes and the sound of a "click." The last panel shows a stage-lit cartoon girl with a braid, holding a flashlight under her face, looking spooky. A single speech bubble says, "Boo." Webcomic by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Thursday, July 07, 2022

Becoming Worthwhile

Every inch of progress counts - or at least that's what I tell myself. Godspeed all of us toward our better selves. 

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[2-panel borderless webcomic of a cartoon girl with a braid, in full stride, chasing after a carrot on a stick. Panel 1 text reads, "For anyone who's trying to be a better person...have patience." In panel 2, the girl is doubled over, panting with exhaustion, carrot still dangling out of reach. A medium elephant holding a bottle with its trunk observes the girl. Panel 2 text reads, "Worthwhile things can take time." A beat and Elephant asks, "Want a sip of seltzer?" Heading of comic: "Becoming Worthwhile." Original comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
2-panel borderless webcomic of a cartoon girl with a braid, in full stride, chasing after a carrot on a stick. Panel 1 text reads, "For anyone who's trying to be a better person...have patience." In panel 2, the girl is doubled over, panting with exhaustion, carrot still dangling out of reach. A medium elephant holding a bottle with its trunk observes the girl. Panel 2 text reads, "Worthwhile things can take time." A beat and Elephant asks, "Want a sip of seltzer?" Heading of comic: "Becoming Worthwhile." Original comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

Friday, July 01, 2022

Calling It A Day

End of the week! May you enjoy it. 

Cheers and thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[Two-panel comic about creative productivity and not getting enough done. A cartoon girl with a braid sits at her desk, fretting over unchecked boxes on a to-do list. Panel 1 caption reads, "There was so much I was supposed to get done. I feel bad." In panel 2, the girl stares out the window, watching two birds in the distance, holding a drink in her hand. Text reads, "OR...I could accept that I'm not a productivity machine and move on." Heading of comic: "Just be okay and call it a day." Sketchbook comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
Two-panel comic about creative productivity and not getting enough done. A cartoon girl with a braid sits at her desk, fretting over unchecked boxes on a to-do list. Panel 1 caption reads, "There was so much I was supposed to get done. I feel bad." In panel 2, the girl stares out the window, holding a drink in her hand. Text reads, "OR...I could accept that I'm not a productivity machine and move on." Heading of comic: "Just be okay and call it a day." Sketchbook comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.