Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Single Girl, Honest Friends

I love my life and my friends, and this is also a true story.

Thanks for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[3-panel comic strip about being a forever-single woman with honest friends. In panel 1, a girl with a braid says directly to the reader, "We can't always have what we want in life, but I still hold on to the hope that - somebody, somewhere will love me someday." In panel 2, the girl looks off-frame and the background color changes from a muted purple to a warm coral, while a speech bubble indicates that friends are speaking to her: "Yes, but have you frozen your eggs?" They continue in panel 3, saying "Knowing you, it might take a while." The background color changes back to a muted color, while the girl shares a comical look of pained resignation with the viewer. Comic is titled, "Single Girl, Honest Friends," by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
3-panel comic strip about being a forever-single woman with honest friends. In panel 1, a girl with a braid says directly to the reader, "We can't always have what we want in life, but I still hold on to the hope that - somebody, somewhere will love me someday." In panel 2, the girl looks off-frame and the background color changes from a muted purple to a warm coral, while a speech bubble indicates that friends are speaking to her: "Yes, but have you frozen your eggs?" They continue in panel 3, saying "Knowing you, it might take a while." The background color changes back to a muted color, while the girl shares a comical look of pained resignation with the viewer. Comic is titled, "Single Girl, Honest Friends," by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.


Robert said...

Not sure what is supposed to take so long, but this is a thoughtless, cruel comment from "friends". I think the term "microaggression" applies here.

I have friends that I would never be so vulnerable with, and a few that I would.

anna in spain said...

It's an old saying but those old sayings last for a reason: With friends like that, who needs enemies.