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Comics & Illustration

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Seal Core

Trying to get in shape after the winter months is always humbling.

[Two-panel simple illustration of a seal, sunbathing on a rock in a boat pose, juxtaposed with a girl on a yoga mat, straining to hold the same position in the same shape as the seal. Panel 1 text: "Seal core." Panel 2 text: "Me, trying to do core after winter." Comic strip drawing by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
Two-panel simple illustration of a seal, sunbathing on a rock in a boat pose, juxtaposed with a girl on a yoga mat, straining to hold the same position in the same shape as the seal. Panel 1 text: "Seal core." Panel 2 text: "Me, trying to do core after winter." Comic strip drawing by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

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