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Comics & Illustration

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Lonely Worthy Today

Funny how we have to keep reminding ourselves. Too often, society won't. When I forget, I have to write it to myself. 

[Two-panel diary comic of a girl with a braid and cup of tea, writing at her desk. Panel 1, cursive script reads, "I hope everyone who feels lonely today knows that they are worthy of love and belonging, no matter what." In panel 2, an elephant appears in the frame and asks, "Do YOU believe that?" Girl answers, matter-of-factly, "Sometimes, on good days." Autobio webcomic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022, titled "Lonely Worthy Today."]
Two-panel diary comic of a girl with a braid and cup of tea, writing at her desk. Panel 1, cursive script reads, "I hope everyone who feels lonely today knows that they are worthy of love and belonging, no matter what." In panel 2, an elephant appears in the frame and asks, "Do YOU believe that?" Girl answers, matter-of-factly, "Sometimes, on good days." Autobio webcomic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022, titled "Lonely Worthy Today."

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