Thursday, April 28, 2016

Brain Slop



Anonymous said...

Hi Connie. I do this, too. I have a journal in my laptop that I "talk" to every morning and (depending on how sucky my day is) throughout the day.

I know I should probably see a therapist, but every time I seriously consider it, my problems and issues start to seem too insignificant or too stupid to justify wasting another person's time.

Last year alone I wrote 50,000 words in my journal. Probably not a good sign.

Anyway, wishing you all the best. I really admire your work. :)


Connie Sun said...

Hi J. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. Definitely keep writing and know that there is nothing stupid or insignificant about what you feel or experience. Writing is a great way to process and work out what you're going through. Speaking with a therapist or counselor can also be a huge help. I have done this and recommend it. It can take some time to find the kind of therapist who will be a good fit. Small steps to start. Like, it helps to me to do a little research on therapists in my area first and understand their areas of specialty. It might take talking with a few people to see if it's a good fit. Wishing you the very best. Keep writing too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I live in a country where therapy isn't readily available, but there's been some progress in recent years so the stigma is lifting little by little. Thank you for the kind words, and your wonderful work.


Connie Sun said...

Hi J. Ah, I see. A big assumption on my part. Thanks for reaching out. One good thing about the internet: it's a reminder that we're not alone. Very best to you.