Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Drawing a Safe Place

Wishing you a safe place, too, whenever you need it.

Connie on Ko-fi

[Single-panel cartoon illustration of a girl with a bun, drawing a circle around herself in the sand with a twig, under a full moon. Caption reads, "Just out here / drawing myself / a safe place / in the world / to make art." Original artwork titled "Drawing a Safe Place," by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2023.] 

Single-panel cartoon illustration of a girl with a bun, drawing a circle around herself in the sand with a twig, under a full moon. Caption reads, "Just out here / drawing myself / a safe place / in the world / to make art." Original artwork titled "Drawing a Safe Place," by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2023.

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