Friday, February 18, 2022

How Depression Does Not Work

Giving shade where shade is due!

Take good care of yourselves this weekend. 

[4-panel comic about how depression doesn't work. Panel 1, girl with a braid at an artist easel, drawing a slightly pensive, melancholy figure. Panel 2, man walks by, offering unsolicited advice, "Why don't you just be less of a bummer?" Panel 3, girl says with a straight face, "Sure, why not? That's genius." Panel 4, man walks off with a satisfied expression, totally oblivious. Girl breaks the "third wall" and looks directly at the reader, resigned. Webcomic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]

4-panel comic about how depression doesn't work. Panel 1, girl with a braid at an artist easel, drawing a slightly pensive, melancholy figure. Panel 2, man walks by, offering unsolicited advice, "Why don't you just be less of a bummer?" Panel 3, girl says with a straight face, "Sure, why not? That's genius." Panel 4, man walks off with a satisfied expression, totally oblivious. Girl breaks the "third wall" and looks directly at the reader, resigned. Webcomic by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.


Robert said...

When I started watching World Cinema, I got similar reactions. "Too Depressing" "Why don't you want to see a more positive film"?

There can be no growth without change. And no change without truth. Films were a vital source for learning the truth of living.

Draw on, Connie!

anna in spain said...

Nobody *wants* to be depressed. And we're not "doing it for attention." People who say that have never experienced the way people withdraw from you when you're truly depressed.
"Well no wonder you're depressed! You sit around and read or watch movies 24/7! You sit up way too late at night! What you need is some sunshine and fresh air! Take your mind off yourself and your problems!"
This person has never been so exhausted by depression that just getting dressed is beyond you, and yet unable to sleep because of the constant feedback. They've never read the same page three times in a desperate attempt to "take your mind off yourself and your problems" or retreated into a favourite book or film because it's your safe place. Sunshine and fresh air implies getting dressed and going out the door. Some days getting to the bottom of the steps would leave you exhausted for the rest of the day, let alone outside noise and external stimuli.

Robert said...

anna in spain

Words fail me. Wishing you the very best.


Bookworm said...

Your drawing is so perceptive. The look on her face in the last panel is genius.