Friday, August 06, 2021

Need Some Endorphins

Quick mood comic. Long week. Need endorphins. 

Take care this weekend. Thanks for reading.

[4-panel comic depicting a simple drawing of a girl with bun. She says, "I feel a bit sad, but nothing's wrong. So I have nothing to say. Nobody would understand if I tried to explain anyway." (Beat.) She walks off in search of endorphins.]

4-panel comic depicting a simple drawing of a girl with bun. She says, "I feel a bit sad, but nothing's wrong. So I have nothing to say. Nobody would understand if I tried to explain anyway." (Beat.) She walks off in search of endorphins. Sketchbook comic by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie

1 comment:

anna in spain said...

In mid June I realised I had very little body strength. I found a couple of exercise videos on Youtube made by rather chunky ladies. It made me think, Well if she can do them, so can I! One is called "Exercises Even Your Grandma Can Do!" and I thought, that's the one for me! I started doing the exercises from 2 videos, and by the first week in July I was really noticing the difference. I don't know if I've lost any actual weight but the post-quarantine flab is trimming up a treat! You get the endorphins, core strength and a better shape. Of course you are half my age, you probably don't need the videos, but they help me and I can do them here at home. Free, too!