Thursday, July 15, 2021

Unconditional Self-Love

Sorry for posting less recently. I'm working hard to be able to continue writing and cartooning. Hopefully, the effort will pay off. 

Comic text, girl: "One day, I will learn to love myself unconditionally -- since nobody else will do it." [glares at elephant]
Elephant: "You're asking a lot out of life is all I'm sayin'."
Webcomic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie. 3-panel comic with a girl in a bun talking to an elephant. Comic text, girl: "One day, I will learn to love myself unconditionally -- since nobody else will do it." [glares at elephant] Elephant: "You're asking a lot out of life is all I'm sayin'."


Bookworm said...

That's what I've discovered in the last few years, now that I'm old: No one will ever love me as much as I can love myself. And now I'm not even sure that I didn't always love myself. It's possible that I just didn't realize I did.

anna in spain said...

Connie, we know you work hard at everything you do. That's the trouble of having to work to live and then put your heart-work on the side. Hard to find enough of your heart to pour into everything.

I've learned you can love people and be a loyal friend, but in the end you're on your own. The old song said it best, you have to walk that lonesome valley by yourself. Whenever I find myself up against it, I can count on being up against it on my own. Oh my friends and husband mean well, but they're always busy, or it's a bad time, or they're simply not available.