Friday, February 19, 2021

Long Stretch of Lonely

This continues to be a long stretch of lonely for a lot of people. If you've been alone for a long time like me, you know that, sometimes, it hits like a ton of bricks.

Be well, stay strong, hug a pillow, and have some chocolate.


Robert said...

Best wishes, Connie!

(it hits me in the same way at times).

Tip? As a remedy, I send long emails to friends at a distance who appreciate them, and return similar messages. I also have taken to making meals for my friends who are suffering.

I wish you all the best.

Connie Sun said...

Thanks, Robert, I appreciate that suggestion.

anna in spain said...

It's a long stretch of lonely even for those of us who are happily married (38 yrs and counting, no kids). The virus killed my job; fortunately we have my spouse's little pension. Since we can't go out much, we get by. I've used the time to practice prayer for others; but even so, there are moments of several days of late that just...can't wait for the vaccines to be rolled out here. So far they're only vaccinating health system workers, teachers and those over 80.

We are not alone in our loneliness.