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Comics & Illustration

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Trust Exercise

Part 8 in a series of plushy heart comics :)

[2-panel comic of a girl with a bun, holding a plushy cartoon heart in her arms, titled "Trust Exercise." Panel 1: Girl looks guarded, while the heart looks up at the girl with a soft, guileless expression, like a puppy. Text pointing to heart: "Trusts everyone." Text pointing to girl: "Trusts NO ONE." Panel 2: Girl scans environs with even greater suspicion, holds heart tighter, and says, "Don't worry - I will protect you." Part 8 in a series of plushy heart comics by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2023.]
2-panel comic of a girl with a bun, holding a plushy cartoon heart in her arms, titled "Trust Exercise." Panel 1: Girl looks guarded, while the heart looks up at the girl with a soft, guileless expression, like a puppy. Text pointing to heart: "Trusts everyone." Text pointing to girl: "Trusts NO ONE." Panel 2: Girl scans environs with even greater suspicion, holds heart tighter, and says, "Don't worry - I will protect you." Part 8 in a series of plushy heart comics by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2023.

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