Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Me, Trying To Be Brave

Is it me or is being a person really exhausting right now? Lol. 

Thanks as always for reading. Connie on Ko-fi

[2-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a braid, trying to be brave in life. Panel 1 caption: "Me, trying to be brave:" Girl stands determined at her desk and says, "I is all we can do." In panel 2, she slams forward onto the desk, head lowered in exhaustion, and admits, "I am sooo -- sick and tired of being brave." Autobio comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
2-panel comic of a cartoon girl with a braid, trying to be brave in life. Panel 1 caption: "Me, trying to be brave:" Girl stands determined at her desk and says, "I is all we can do." In panel 2, she slams forward onto the desk, head lowered in exhaustion, and admits, "I am sooo -- sick and tired of being brave." Autobio comic strip by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.


Robert said...

It has been my experience that moments of strength, wisdom, clarity or happiness are followed after some amount of time by their exact opposite.

Love helps. Friends help. Exercise helps. Daydreaming helps.

And sometimes nothing does.

Follow by a good night's sleep.

Rinse and repeat.

Connie you are wise to be aware of this.

anna in spain said...

I am So. Tired. of my friends telling me how "resilient", how "strong", what a "survivor" I am. That don't mean I enjoy it. I'm tired. I'm getting old, and the future does not look bright. Somebody else be strong and resilient for once!
During the pandemic, where I live there was so much negativity, anger and fear mongering on Whatsapp etc that I decided to send positive encouraging messages to my friends to make lockdown a little easier. Most people never even bothered to respond. But when I stop sending stuff, if I meet that person on the street I get, "Girl! Where have you been?" Yeah? Where have YOU been?