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Comics & Illustration

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Heart to Heart (Creative Notes #70)

Sometimes, all we can do is listen to our hearts beat and write it down.

Thanks for reading. Look for new episodes of my webcomic series on the app: https://tinyview.com/connie

[6-panel comic of an artist with a bun in front of an art easel, with lightbulb and a large red heart on a stool. Panel 1: Artist says to heart: "Okay, ready." Panel 2: "Go ahead, we're listening." In panel 3, heart speaks: "Well, I feel kind of sad and I don't know how to fix it." In panel 4: After beat, artist says sadly, "I don't know what to do about it either..." Panel 5: Artist starts to draw something on the blank canvas, "But I guess I could write that down." The heart says, "Thanks." Panel 6: Close-up of the heart saying, "Who knows why, but it helps." From the original webcomic series Creative Notes episode 70 on tinyview.com/connie by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.]
6-panel comic of an artist with a bun in front of an art easel, with lightbulb and a large red heart on a stool. Panel 1: Artist says to heart: "Okay, ready." Panel 2: "Go ahead, we're listening." In panel 3, heart speaks: "Well, I feel kind of sad and I don't know how to fix it." In panel 4: After beat, artist says sadly, "I don't know what to do about it either..." Panel 5: Artist starts to draw something on the blank canvas, "But I guess I could write that down." The heart says, "Thanks." Panel 6: Close-up of the heart saying, "Who knows why, but it helps." From the original webcomic series Creative Notes episode 70 on tinyview.com/connie by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, 2022.

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