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Comics & Illustration

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Dating Advice, Asian Father

* Probably not limited to Asian dads.


BuckDharma said...

Another great one! I'd really like to thank you for posting these, I look forward to them every day. I can't imagine the time and effort it takes to do these so well and so consistently.

Unknown said...

ajajajaj Actually there are several adaptations for that book, for business, for sports, etc. Maybe be there is one for the dating.

Anonymous said...
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anna in spain said...

Saw a French romcom in which an older gent used The Art of War as the base text to get the lady to fall for him. Strongly resonant of "You've Got Mail", which itself was a remake of the 1930s romcom "The Shop Around the Corner" with Jimmy Stewart. The film made me want to read the book, which I did. Didn't see how it could apply to dating, myself, but then I'm not a guy.

PeterMiles said...

Nice cartoon, but my advice, dont date for a while like i, https://kovla.com/blog/i-m-a-guy-who-stopped-dating/ read my article and your life will change in a better way!enjoy

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Peter Floyd said...
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Albert said...

Really a funny cartoon. Thanks for sharing. Without resolution, awareness, and acceptance, your relationship history may have a strong influence on your current dating life.

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Ryan Warren said...
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Lisa Jones said...
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SimonaGabriele said...
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James harper said...
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