Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Agonizing Thing About Making Comics

so. many. hours.


Anonymous said...

... but a worthwhile journey.

Crowbar of Comics said...

Good comics warrant countless rereads to catch every nuanced detail. Just keep putting in the effort, because there are people who see it.

At least that is how I comfort myself when I found that I just wasted an hour obsessing over one line.

Unknown said...

I agree with Andrew. What attracted me, to your comic, was the range of detail in the facial features and subject matter which I can relate too. Just like one of your latest pieces about going to a Muslim conference and transcending the cultural differences but still finding commonality. I am not Asian but your pieces, I find so much in common. There are tons of blog cartoons and so many just look like they were drawn in ten minutes.

Your, "It had better make me F-ing Invincible" line from a past piece, I took it to heart. I am not sure how long it took you to draw that piece, and I do not want to sound like an obsessed fan, but you have the thanks from a girl in Maryland for that piece.

Unknown said...

Yes it is so much quicker to read than to draw. But multiply that 1/2 hour by the number of people you reach and make smile! Thank you for your daily visit!

Robit said...

You couldn't have expressed that any better!

Jessica said...

You gotta multiply that half hour by everyone who reads them though.

ACS said...

Even if they read quickly the content is well worth the many times I re-read them, along with the times I have the moment where I think: "What expresses my exact mood right now? Oh that Connie to the Wonnie comic is perfect! *post on facebook*" I literally keep this page open on a tab at all times. Thank you!

Nikita said...

While I admire that you share your drawings with the world, the impact upon others is only part of the value of your work. When you create, a part of yourself is reflected back at you. Create to express yourself. Create to share your point of view! Create to connect the world in your mind with the physical, mundane world that we live in.

Nikita said...

Oh also, the harder you work on it, the more that it means to you. There is no feeling quite like making something exactly the way you want it to be. But I'm sure you know all this already, otherwise you wouldn't do it.

LilyRose said...

LOL. Gotta laugh at that one....