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Comics & Illustration

Sunday, January 08, 2023

Anything Is Possible (Creative Notes #34)

A comic from my old Tinyview series that is still relevant :)

Connie on Ko-fi

[6-panel comic about fresh starts. Panel 1: Cartoon girl with a bun running outdoors on a path shouts exuberantly, "New year! Fresh start!" Panel 2: She looks directly at the reader and says, "Anything is possible!" Panel 3: Running with more exertion, she goes on resolutely, "I'll get fit! I'll be more productive than ever!" Panel 4: She pauses for breath (huff huff pant), "But first --" Panel 5: "-- a nap." She's back indoors, laid out on a yoga mat. Panel 6: A beat before she sits up groggily and thinks, "Naps should count." Comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, from Creative Notes #34, 2022.]

6-panel comic about fresh starts. Panel 1: Cartoon girl with a bun running outdoors on a path shouts exuberantly, "New year! Fresh start!" Panel 2: She looks directly at the reader and says, "Anything is possible!" Panel 3: Running with more exertion, she goes on resolutely, "I'll get fit! I'll be more productive than ever!" Panel 4: She pauses for breath (huff huff pant), "But first --" Panel 5: "-- a nap." She's back indoors, laid out on a yoga mat. Panel 6: A beat before she sits up groggily and thinks, "Naps should count." Comic illustration by Connie Sun, cartoonconnie, from Creative Notes #34, 2022.


Robert said...

Wonderful sentiment. I heartily agree. Call it "Power napping" or "old age", nothing like a nap.

anna in spain said...

Naps do count! I was trained young that "naps are for babies." Daytime sleeping was indicative of lack of character. Then when I went home for a visit my mother spent a lot of time "thinking" with her eyes closed, while breathing deeply!