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Comics & Illustration

Friday, October 10, 2014

Things Society Tells Me

Society can be a jerk ;)


Alan Howard said...

Very true. I have earned every single one of my grey hairs. Through tests and trials and heartaches, they have made me who I am.

Gardenwife said...

Thank you for this, Connie. I read it after surveying the latest grey hairs on my temple and feeling the tautness of my face after my shower. I needed to see this today! :) I follow you on Facebook and your drawings always speak to me in the very best ways.

Unknown said...

Connie, I understand. I used to have the policy of plucking the gray hair and any close by it as an example to the rest. :)

I still pray that you find someone one day. Your cartoons of you and a cats filled old age future depresses me.

Live while we are young Connie. 41 here in Maryland.